The exhibition "c.a. bixio - musica e cinema nel '900 italiano" will be hosted in naples

The exhibition "C.A. Bixio - Musica e cinema nel '900 italiano" will be hosted in Naples

October 12 2015 08:13:06

From the 21st of october 2015 to the 10th of january 2016 the exhibition C.A. Bixio - Musica e cinema nel '900 italiano will be
hosted in Naples, at PAN - Palazzo delle Arti di Napoli. The event is promoted by the City of Naples which is Cesare Andrea Bixio's hometown and the city where he began a fortunate career that brought him to influence the entire culture of the 20th century.
C.A. Bixio - Musica e cinema nel '900 italiano shows a part of the history of music and cinema in the 1900s. Bixio's notes guide the visitor through images, scientific event and artistic contributions coming from different fields. The core of the exhibition is developed around the covers of the original scores from the firts 50 years of the 20th century. They are great examples of graphics and art. It also shows images from the movies for which Bixio wrote the soundtracks and many songs performed by Vittorio De Sica, Totò, Anna Magnani, Elsa Merlini, Macario, Beniamino Gigli.